Webmail RoundCube in Shared Hosting
Our Linux shared packages feature a cutting-edge webmail application named Roundcube, which can give you more or less all functions of a typical email program. You can access it straight from a browser simply by entering your email address and password or using your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel. Taking into consideration the characteristics that Roundcube features, you are able to work with it to supplement an email app or as a standalone application. If you host a company web site and the personnel use webmail, you could have the app within a personalized URL with the enterprise domain in a couple of simple steps. With a number of clicks you can also set up folders, customize the time zone with respect to your region, create an address book or configure different identities for virtually any given email.
Webmail RoundCube in Semi-dedicated Hosting
The semi-dedicated server plans that we provide you with provide an advanced webmail program known as Roundcube. It could substitute any computer email application since it features all of the capabilities that you may want - apart from sending and receiving e-mails, you can also make folders to manage your correspondence, configure an address book to control your contacts conveniently, generate different identities for the very same email address or include a custom HTML signature that will show up automatically in all new emails that you write. You're able to access Roundcube either straight through its login web page where you have to type the complete email address as well as its password, or from the Emails part of your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel, where you could simply click on an e-mail and log in without entering any password. If you like, you may also make a webmail login URL with your domain and use it as opposed to our default URL.