FTP, which stands for File Transfer Protocol, is one of the most popular ways to upload and download web files between a computer system and a web server. Using an FTP software program such as FileZilla, you can make a connection to your website hosting account and drag ‘n’ drop files or whole directories in either direction and the software itself will handle the rest. There are a number of pros of using FTP, including the possibility to resume an upload/download when there’s a problem with the connection or the possibility to have different FTP accounts. Thanks to the latter option, you can set up FTP users that can access only certain folders in your web hosting account, but no other folders, e-mails or other info, which makes it the ideal option especially if you have to give a web designer access, for example. You can also use an FTP account with famous apps such as FrontPage or Dreamweaver and upload the website content that you’ve created directly from them, without having to resort to any third-party software.

FTP Accounts in Shared Hosting

Creating and managing multiple FTP accounts will be amazingly easy with any of our Linux shared packages. This feature isn’t restricted, so with our easy-to-use Hepsia hosting Control Panel, you’ll be able to set up as many accounts as you need to, in order to administer your sites and to get your website-connected tasks accomplished. In case you hire a developer and they are done with the site, for example, you can change the FTP password or remove the whole FTP account with only one single mouse click from the Control Panel. For the sake of convenience, you’ll be able to view a list of all the accounts that you have set up and what folders they can connect to. Handy options such as updating the password or the access path and downloading an auto-configuration file for widely used FTP software programs are also only a mouse click away.

FTP Accounts in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Our semi-dedicated packages are pretty powerful, which makes them suitable for hosting an immense number of websites. Speaking of which, we’ve chosen not to set a restriction on the number of FTP accounts that you can set up, so you can have a separate FTP account for each site that you host on our semi-dedicated servers. All FTP accounts will be listed in alphabetical order in the respective section of the Hepsia Control Panel, which comes with each and every semi-dedicated server account. For any of them, you’ll be able to check the access path and to edit it, if necessary. Furthermore, you can set up a new account in your preferred FTP client by downloading an auto-configuration file and running it on your computer, which will save you time. If you have never used a web hosting account before, you can watch our comprehensive instructional video clips, which are available in the same Control Panel section.

FTP Accounts in VPS Hosting

None of the VPS hosting offered by our company has a limitation on the maximum number of FTP accounts that you can have at any given time, so you can create an FTP account for any website hosted on the VPS server, irrespective of whether it is under a domain or subdomain. Besides, it does not matter which hosting Control Panel you’ll select when you sign up – cPanel, DirectAdmin or Hepsia, since an FTP server will be set up on your VPS at the time of the installation of any of them. If you want a number of users to be able to set up a connection to one and the same folder with their very own set of login details, for example, it will take a few mouse clicks to set up a different FTP account for each of them. Deleting an existing account or modifying the folder that it can connect to is just as easy and you won’t run into any difficulty, even if you have no previous experience in such matters.